• 977 9851145744
  • info@sherpaguidesnepal.com

About Us

About Us

Sherpa Guides Nepal Treks & Expeditions (P.) Ltd is registered with the Office of the Company registrar and Tourism Industry Division, Ministry of Tourism has emerged as one of the leading trekking agency within a short span. With a maximum group size of just 16 on most treks, it feels more like travelling with friends than being on an organised treks. Our groups are made up of singles, couples and friends from all around the world. You’ll meet like-minded people where everyone is guaranteed to share a passion for travel and discovery, and a small group will allow you to get further off the tourist trails for a more important.

You’ll meet like-minded people where everyone is guaranteed to share a passion for travel and discovery, and a small group will allow you to get further off the tourist trails for a more intimate experience. Our success lies in uncompromising professional approach with a sense of care and comfort. Special tour itineraries, sophisticated gears and manned by professionals;

  • Class aptent taciti sociosutn tora torquent conub nost reptos Treks and Expeditions specialises in treks to the Nepal, with unrivalled knowledge
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Sherpa Guides Nepal Treks and Expeditions specialises in treks to the Nepal, with unrivalled knowledge

We are punctual

Sherpa Guides Nepal Treks and Expeditions specialises in treks to the Nepal, with unrivalled knowledge

We are responsible

Sherpa Guides Nepal Treks and Expeditions specialises in treks to the Nepal, with unrivalled knowledge

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